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Janet Simon

Steward of Finneytown

Janet grew up in England, and met husband Jerry when he was stationed with the Navy in London. They settled in Finneytown and were active volunteers in the schools. Janet spent many hours at Whitaker chaperoning field trips, serving as room mother and library volunteer. With Jerry she served as co-president of Music Parents, chaired fruit sales, chaperoned music trips, worked at band camp, and staffed concession stand at athletic events. She also helped with costumes for the musicals and plays. Outside of the schools, Janet found time to serve as Den Mother, Leader Coach and Training Coordinator, and received a District Award of Merit (the Silver Beaver) for her scouting efforts. Janet was a founding member of the Finneytown Area Summer Theatre; a Welcome Wagon participant; and host for the International Visitor Center. Professionally she worked as account manager for ExecuCall. Janet’s support extended to the greater Cincinnati community through her work with the Wellness Community, a Cancer Support Group. She made Public Service Announcements for local and national television, addressed groups of potential contributors, and visited cancer patients undergoing treatment. She touched and brightened many lives with her positive spirit and made the world a better place before her untimely passing in 1997.
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